Change Boot Animation in Ubuntu Linux
Plymouth Plymouth provides a customization of graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in Ubuntu Linux. To install plymouth: Sudo apt update Sudo apt install plymouth-themes From Ubuntu Version 16.04 the location of Plymouth themes changed to /usr/share/plymouth/themes. If you have an old version, then the plymouth path can be Found /lib/plymouth/themes/. Download boot Animation of Watch Dogs From Below link you need to copy its folder or extract its archive to /usr/share/plymouth/themes. Then you need to install it…(Make sure that nautilus is in sudo access) Then open terminal sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/FolderName/Foldername.plymouth 100 ...replacing the FolderName with the name you have Choosing the number then, sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth sudo update-initramfs -u Testing: You can test you...